




Situational Leadership is one of the best leadership theories. Given it is based on scientific studies for decades, it has been adopted by many prestigious universities in the world and is considered by most prominent researchers as the best leadership theory. However, in spite of its importance and value, no scientific measure has been devised to determine types of people based on it.


As such we prepared this measure, to determine your type based on the Situational Leadership theory.


We will not explain the theory initially, in order not to influence your answers. After completing the answers, we will explain the results and provide a summary of the theory showing you how to effectively apply it  In sha’ Allah.


This will help you become a better leader not only in the work environment, but also in your personal life, as you will understand how to act properly according to the surrounding environment and the types of people you are dealing with including your children whether  in their personal  or study life.


Test Accuracy


As this measure is still new, we have no formal assessment to its level of accuracy,  but given we have built the measure on the origins of the theory, we are confident the results are reliable and expect no error margin.


Targeted Audience


For those who intend to develop themselves in the leadership field in the their personal and practical life.




Prepared By

  • Dr. Tareq Al Suwidan
  • \r\n
  • Ghiath Hawari
  • \r\n
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عبدالرحيم نائل طه
عبدالرحيم نائل طه
عبدالرحيم نائل طه
عبدالرحيم نائل طه
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In order to compare my results, I need to know the correct answer
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